A 1980s art heist, plus ladybugs, and an interview

A 1980s art heist, plus ladybugs, and an interview
Photo by Greg Rosenke / Unsplash

This week has been busy, but I surprised myself and still found some fun things to share. As often happens, some were spontaneous or serendipitous, like turning on the radio at just the right time to hear something quite interesting šŸ˜Š

ā›Ŗ I'm watching The Mission, a documentary about a 1980s art heist where multiple paintings were stolen from a monastery in outback Western Australia. I previously enjoyed Framed, also hosted by Marc Fennell, about the theft of a Picasso painting from the NGV, so I'm interested to see where this story goes.

šŸž In the craft department, I'm working on some earrings, including a cute pair of ladybug earrings.

šŸ›ļø I'm also watching the third in the NGV seminar series on design. This one has the theme of twentieth century design and, as usual, I'm learning a lot. So far I've seen the talk on Bauhaus style, and I'm keen to hear about Mid-Century Modern design (which I know a little about) and Surrealism and design (which is new for me).

šŸ„Ŗ This week's food-related fun included sampling a local Reuben sandwich, and I'm thinking I may need to do some comparisons to find the best local offering. I also treated myself to lunch out after a busy period at work. I went to a favourite local cafe and had haloumi, avocado and roasted beetroot on pumpkin bread toast, with wilted spinach and a rustic tomato sauce. It was really good!

šŸ“» On the radio I caught some of Richard Fidler's interview with Sandi Toksvig for Conversations and had to find the podcast to hear the rest of it. While not everything mentioned was fun (some was very much not fun), Sandi seems like a fun person and I felt we shared a sense of constant curiosity. Looking up the podcast, I spotted other interviews I've missed that look like they'd be worth a listen. Between my reading pile and listening queue, I should have plenty of fun things next week!

I hope you're having a fun week and have something nice planned for the near future. Wishing you a fun-filled week ahead!

Thanks for reading šŸ˜Š