Cherry blossom, Art Nouveau and a classic South Australian dish

Cherry blossom, Art Nouveau and a classic South Australian dish
Photo by Masaaki Komori / Unsplash

As we moved from winter to spring this week, I enjoyed some seasonal fun. What are you looking forward to in spring?

šŸ„„ Soup season is coming to an end in the Bevilacqua household, so I enjoyed my annual pie floater. For the uninitiated, this South Australian classic consists of a thick green pea soup with an upside-down steak pie 'floating' in the soup, topped with tomato sauce (preferably spicy). We only make this about once a year, including homemade soup and pies, so maybe that's part of the fun.

šŸ§€ Cheese is never out of season, in my view, but all the same I decided to make baked camembert before the weather gets too warm. This time I made it with honey and some thyme from the garden. It was quite good, but somehow it always tastes better at a French restaurant.

āœļø We did a quick crossword and had a go at a couple of cryptic clues. Even with the non-cryptic crossword there was one answer we had to look up. I also read that some people time their crossword completion by train or subway stations. Maybe I should start doing crosswords on the tram and count the stops. (Luckily, I'm on a very long tram line.)

ā˜• I watched a few short videos, including this one about a costume for The Australian Ballet's upcoming production of Swan Lake. I also liked this NGV video on Art Nouveau (and now I really need an Art Nouveau coffee service).

šŸŒø This week our weeping cherry tree started blossoming. These gorgeous pink flowers only last a couple of weeks, but it's so nice to see them brightening the greenery.

That's it for another week of fun things. I have to say, next week is looking good, with lots of art and a new book. I hope you have some fun things planned too šŸ˜Š

Thanks for reading!