Cute creatures, more crafting, and shakshuka

Cute creatures, more crafting, and shakshuka
Photo by Rod Long / Unsplash

It started as an outdoors sort of fun week, but the rain drove me back to cosy stitching on the couch and more reading in bed ๐Ÿ˜Š

๐Ÿ“š I've nearly finished a couple of books, which is good because I am way behind on my Goodreads Reading Challenge. (On my maths, I need to finish 3 books a week between now and the end of the year to meet the wildly ambitious goal I set in January, so I'd appreciate any recommendations for short books!)

๐Ÿงต I'm working on a few little cross-stitch pieces and I also decided it's time to get back into other crafts, so I picked up some beads and buttons to try out a few ideas. More on this in coming weeks.

๐Ÿ… Fun kitchen things this week included Friday Night Nibbles, where I made a pretty good attempt at warmed olives with thyme from the garden and a splash of olive oil to go with a platter of cheese and marinated seafood. On Saturday I enjoyed shakshuka for brunch, which is eggs poached in a spiced tomato sauce (and also one of my favourite weekend brunches that someone else in the Bevilacqua household cooks).

๐Ÿฆ When there was a bit of afternoon sun, I did take some walks around the local lake. I spotted a few little birds, including a pretty blue wren, and some tiny flowers, but more importantly ...

๐Ÿฃ The ducklings have arrived! Every year there are several families of ducks and other water birds around the lake, and so far I've seen at least a dozen ducklings. Together with the warmer weather, I find visiting the cute new arrivals provides a little extra motivation for me to get outdoors.

Fluffy duckling swimming.
Photo by Chandler Cruttenden / Unsplash

I can't promise next week's fun things will be as cute, but I'm sure they will still be good. Wishing you a fun week ahead!