Medieval manuscripts, board games and an icebreaker

Medieval manuscripts, board games and an icebreaker
Photo by Xavi Cabrera / Unsplash

The festival season has kicked off here in Adelaide, so there are lots of fun things to choose from, but I managed to find almost all five of my fun things for this week at the State Library of South Australia. Take a look:

šŸ“œ Curious about the Fragmentarium project, I went to see the medieval manuscript fragments that are on display for a short time in the Mortlock Chamber. The project is an international effort to digitally share, and possibly reunite, pages of medieval books.

šŸš¢ In the State Library foyer I had to stop and look at the giant model of icebreaker RSV Nuyina made out of LEGO. There's a good level of detail in the ship, which has a cross-section so you can see inside!

šŸŽ² Alongside the icebreaker you can play a board game called Antarctica: The Race to the South Pole. It looked fun, but I was there alone so haven't played it yet. I have played some of the State Library's other historic board games, so I might get a copy of this one and try it.

šŸ—³ļø Also at the State Library is Behind the Lines 2022, a touring exhibition of political cartoons from last year. It's from the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House in Canberra (worth a visit), and you can also experience the exhibition online. (One I liked was Yoga for Rising Interest Rates.)

šŸš‚ Back at home, a little board game travel took the Bevilacqua household to The Great Lakes via Ticket to Ride Rails & Sails. It's always a good game, but the claiming of the Chicago to South Bend line proved controversial. Can't wait to try the new Ticket to Ride San Francisco next week!

Board game showing a map with Chicago and game pieces of trains and ships.
The red train controversially claiming the Chicago to South Bend line in Ticket to Ride Rails & Sails - The Great Lakes. (Photo taken by me.)

I have lots of fun things planned for coming weeks, so make sure you come back and read what I've been up to. In the meantime, I hope you have a fun-filled week!