Popcorn, a news quiz and a history of alcohol

Popcorn, a news quiz and a history of alcohol
Photo by Moritz Mentges / Unsplash

It's been a busy week at work, so finding fun things has been more of a challenge. This week my five fun things are mostly small, but maybe that makes them easier to fit in with a full schedule.

šŸŽ¼ I've been listening to more music while I'm working. Mostly it's been classical, with ballet pieces being some of my favourites this week.

šŸæ My diary this year has a weekly creative prompt and this week it is to watch a TED Talk every day. I might not have done it every day, but I did learn about popcorn, including that different types of corn pop into different shapes, in Why do we eat popcorn at the movies?. I also watched A brie(f) history of cheese.

ā“ Each week the Bevilacqua household does the ABC news quiz, which comes out on Friday. While I haven't scored ten out of ten for a while, half the fun is watching out for quiz-worthy news stories during the week and trying to guess what you'll need to know this week.

šŸŒ³ Lately, I've been trying to get out for walks in green spaces more often. This week I explored a park near where I am that was new to me. Maybe because of last week's many connections with Australian Impressionism, I'm paying close attention to and noticing the details in leaves and trees.

šŸø I've started more books than I've finished, recently, which is doing nothing for my goodreads challenge (currently seven books behind schedule). Having said that, I've picked up Girly Drinks by Mallory O'Meara, which has been on my list for a while. Charting the history of women and alcohol through the stories of fifteen women across history, I think this will be good.

So that's it for another week. If you try any of these fun things, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading šŸ˜Š