Ramen, France and lemons

Ramen, France and lemons
Photo by Cristina Anne Costello / Unsplash

It's been another busy week, but I've managed to just squeeze in five fun things. Here they are:

šŸŽ¬ A highlight in the Bevilacqua household this week was our Japanese themed film night. We had a delicious meal from a favourite local Japanese restaurant and watched Ramen Shop, which I really enjoyed.

šŸ„ The armchair travel continued when I picked up France: An Adventure History by Graham Robb. This was a spontaneous selection at the library, but who doesn't like a little French adventure?

šŸ‘‘ Adding a little time travel, I enjoyed the latest season of Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets. The show explores some well-known royal stories from European history, and the first season is also worth a look if you're a history buff. I find Lucy a very entertaining presenter (she's not shy about wearing period costumes - see below) and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her work.

Lucy Worsley dressed as Queen Elizabeth I, riding in a bicycle taxi.

šŸ‹ In the craft department, I'm working on some lemon themed cross-stitch. The cute lemonade one seemed like a good fit for the current hot weather in my part of the world.

šŸŽ¼ I caught Sally Greenaway's wonderfully named Don't Forget Your Music on the radio this week. (Yes, I still listen to the radio.) What music are you enjoying at the moment?

That's it for this week! I'm looking forward to having more time for fun things next week (hopefully), because there's still so much on my fun-things-to-do list. If you want to follow my adventures, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss anything. If you've already subscribed, thank you! šŸ˜Š